LOTUS accepts that the basis of environmental concern is a healthy respect for others.

LOTUS understands that the basis of environmental concern is a healthy respect for others.

We will strive to minimise any disturbances to the local and global environment and to the quality of life of the local communities in which we operate.

Having reviewed specifically our UK business, activities and services - our significant Environmental Impacts are associated with the use of fuel, road traffic, disposal of waste and energy use. We are committed to reducing these negative impacts as far as possible and will:

  • Comply with all statutory regulations and other requirements relating to our operations
  • Monitor our performance and strive for continual improvement and prevention of pollution
  • Lead by example, striving to reduce our fuel use, energy consumption and minimise our waste disposed to landfill
  • Communicate our policy and requirements to all persons working for or on our behalf

To achieve these, we will ensure that our staff have the necessary training, information, systems and authority to minimize the effects of our operations on the environment. This thought process is fully supported by the senior management team at LOTUS and will be periodically reviewed.

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+44 (0) 7461 348 190